Friday, May 23, 2008

School's out.....Summer Fun!

I'll never forget the feeling when I was in college (as a young person, and then when I went back to get my R.N. degree a little over 10 years ago), right after all of my final exams were over at the end of each semester. I always had this feeling of great relief. I felt like a load was literally lifted from me, and I almost felt physically lighter. Well, I kind of get that same feeling each spring when my job as a RN Mentor at Nursing School comes to a close. I get the summers off! On my last day of work each May, I always walk down the health science division stairs and feel such a sense of freedom. It's not that I don't enjoy my job. It's actually a wonderful job and I truly enjoy assisting the nursing students through their rigorous program. However, I feel so fortunate to have the summers off , to catch up with things around the house, to spend more time with family and friends, and just to re-energize myself before the school year starts all over again.
Some of things I enjoy doing during the summer months are: beach bon fires making "smores," beach outings with the grandchildren, going to the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, family vacations, sitting on the lounge chair in the backyard in the sun and listening to the birds, backyard bar-b-ques, staying up late and watching movies, and sleepovers at Aster Street (my parent's little "beach house" in Laguna Beach). What are some things you enjoy doing during the summer? Do you have any fun summer memories?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day Thoughts

How grateful I am to be a mother and a grandmother. Because of all that is required of a mother of what society these days considers a "large" family, I feel that I have, and continue to often walk through the "refiners" fire. There have been those late nights attempting to get a new baby back to sleep and late nights waiting up for a teenager who has passed her curfew.....There have been late nights sitting up and laughing with the kids and their friends and late nights holding a child who had a bad dream or was afraid of the lightening. There have been late nights sitting next to a hospitalized child who was reeling from the effects of chemotherapy or recovery from leg surgery....and then those miracle days when the news would arrive that the follow up tests were clear, and the cancer was gone.
I have sat through our kids numerous performances, sporting events, talks, graduations - sometimes with a mother's nervous stomach and wanting them to do their best, so that they would feel good about what they accomplished.
I have sat with a daughter who had just learned the news that her first born would come in to this world with challenges, and not knowing the extent of the problem, I have watched that same daughter put her faith in the Lord, and put her fear behind her. I have seen her step out in faith to nurture that little one....and in time two more.
I am grateful to have shared and to continue to share these experience as a mother, and as a trusted friend to our children and grandchildren. I have, and continue to learn patience, sacrifice, endurance, faith, humor, and hope.
Some people may wonder why I chose this path instead of picking a notable career or traveling the world. I would choose no other way. Because I chose to be a mother, and was allowed this great blessing to be one, my life is filled with so much richness of the heart.
And on this mother's day, I wish to share how grateful I am for this opportunity and wonderful blessing.

Our Grandson, Carter William Hull